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PhoenixPICO* Special BIOS Extensions

Phoenix Technologies, Ltd.

Type :
Last Update:

Embedded Intel Architecture
BIOS Software
11/18/96 4:38:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

ROM/RAM Disk: Since many special purpose PCs do not include hard disk drives, Phoenix has developed a ROM/RAM disk feature that configures a portion of memory to emulate a disk. DOS files can be stored in this area of memory. Like a floppy disk, the RAM disk can be used to boot DOS, and then store files once the operating system is up and running.
Embedded Flash: This special BIOS Extension was developed for special purpose PCs that do not have a floppy drive, and therefore cannot use a crisis recovery diskette to reload BIOS into Flash memory in the event of a BIOS corruption. With Embedded Flash, a serial port can be used to reload BIOS into Flash memory.
Serial Video/Keyboard: For embedded applications that do not have an attached monitor or display, the Serial Video/KB Extension was developed to redirect video functions and their parameters out the serial port to be displayed on a host computer.
Variable Screen Size: On many special purpose PCs, the screen size is smaller than the typical PC monitor size. Phoenix has developed the Variable Screen Size Extension for adapting video functions to different screen sizes, including different setup screen sizes.
CMOS Emulation: Since some special purpose PCs do not have CMOS, the CMOS Emulation Extension provides a way to redirect the internal CMOS read and write routines to a RAM table.
Pen BIOS: Pen services for pen devices which may be included in an embedded system provide a general interface to a set of hardware specific routines.
Floppy Non-DMA: This special BIOS Extension provides support for floppy disk drives that do not support DMA. The standard floppy disk with DMA BIOS functions can also be used.
RAM Auto-IDE: Special purpose PCs generally do not have shadow RAM to store hard disk drive parameters. The RAM Auto-IDE Extension provides a way to store the drive parameters in the Extended BIOS Data Area.

Tool Features:

  • ROM/RAM Disk

  • Embedded Flash

  • Serial Video Extensions

  • Serial Keyboard Extensions

  • Variable Screen Size

  • Variable Setup Screen Size

  • CMOS Emulation

  • Pen BIOS

  • Floppy Non-DMA

  • RAM Auto-IDE

  • Development Platform(s):

    Not Applicable

    File Attachments:

    IA2_PH3.PDF - SolutionsIA Catalog Product Listing

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package




    Vendor Information:

    Phoenix Technologies, Ltd.

    411 Plumeria Drive
    San Jose , CA 95134
    (408) 570-1000

    Email :
    Fax : (408) 570-1001
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

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